
Guidelines for publishing in pharmRxiv


PharmRxiv is the specialized repository of the Specialized Information Service Pharmacy of University Library Braunschweig and publishes relevant scientific publications from pharmacy, especially from its sub-disciplines Pharmaceutical and Medicinal Chemistry, Pharmaceutical Biology, Pharmaceutical Technology, Pharmacology, Clinical Pharmacy and History of Pharmacy.

PharmRxiv provides the organizational and technical framework to ensure the permanent availability of the published objects.

The technical operation of pharmRxiv is carried out by the Specialized Information Service Pharmacy of the University Library of Braunschweig in cooperation with the Network Headquarters of the Joint Library Network Göttingen (Reposis Service).

As a rule, English- and German-language publications can be archived. Decisions on the inclusion of publications from the peripheral areas of the subjects mentioned as well as publications in other languages will be made individually upon request. In any case, important metadata such as title and abstract must be available in English.


Open Access declaration

University Library Braunschweig (Specialized Information Service Pharmacy) promotes the free exchange of research results (Open Access) and, in addition to the green road of Open Access, also pursues the first publication (e.g. in the form of preprints) and publication of research data.


What can be published?

The following document types, among others, can be archived and be published on pharmRxiv:

  • Articles from journals
  • Congress contributions, incl. scientific posters
  • Monographs and collective works
  • Audiovisual publications relevant to the subject
  • Research data


The electronic document

It is a work or relevant source that meets the above criteria and is intended for distribution to the public. The electronic document is not a dynamically changing document. If changes are necessary, the changed document is saved as a new version. Documents that have already been published will not be deleted or modified unless there are serious legal reasons.

The electronic document is based on text, graphics, audio or video sequences or other data. It is stored in digital form on a data storage and is distributed via computer networks. PharmRxiv supports all file formats, but recommends the use of open formats that are suitable for long-term archiving and can be displayed using freely accessible display programs (e.g. PDF/A, TeX, XML). In addition, the original format of the document can also be archived.

The electronic document must be free of any technical protection mechanisms and digital rights management (DRM) procedures. Format migrations are performed as needed, for example, to ensure long-term availability. Format migrations are not considered a change to the electronic document.

There are no layout specifications.

For very large data sets, e.g. audiovisual material or research data, please contact us in advance. 


How to publish?

A form for uploading (for one publication: Applicationform_Pharmrxiv_Single, or for multiple publications: Applicationform_Pharmrxiv_Multiple) the document(s) and the associated metadata is available. Other forms of transmission are possible by arrangement.

The electronic documents are checked by the university library and after receipt of the consent for publication they are released for publications and thus published.


Legal framework

The authors transfer a simple and unlimited right of use to the university library. The copyrights of the authors remain intact. A publication in pharmRxiv does not prevent further publication (e.g. in journals or on other servers). Conversely, secondary publications are also accepted, provided that legal or contractual regulations permit this.

The transfer of rights must always be in writing.

  • Consent to publication for publications
  • Terms of contract of pharmRxiv

The compliance with copyrights and exploitation rights of third parties is the responsibility of the authors.

The authors decide whether and under which CC license their document will be published. The University Library Braunschweig recommends the use of the Creative Commons license CC-BY.

University Library Braunschweig (Specialized Information Service Pharmacy) reserves the right to block public access to a publication if there are concrete indications of a violation of rights. University Library Braunschweig (Specialized Information Service Pharmacy) is not liable for damages resulting from the violation of copyrights and exploitation rights, provided that there is no demonstrable intentional or grossly negligent fault on its part. The authors assure to inform the University Library Braunschweig (Pharmacy Information Service) immediately in case of doubt or if alleged or actual infringements of rights occur.


Services of University Library Braunschweig (Specialized Information Service Pharmacy).

Publishing on pharmRxiv is free of charge. Activities necessary for publication (e.g. preparation of electronic documents, format conversion) are supported or carried out by the Fachinformationsdienst Pharmazie by arrangement. Activities that require a significant additional effort may be charged.

The University Library Braunschweig (Fachinformationsdienst Pharmazie) offers advice and support for all questions regarding publishing on pharmRxiv. It assigns permanent persistent and citable identifiers such as URL, URN and DOI to make the documents accessible and findable in the long term. If necessary, it supports the formal as well as the content-related indexing of the documents (by means of Dewey classification) as well as the verification and maintenance of the metadata.

The metadata of the documents and their link to the full text are indexed in the research platform PubPharm and in other catalogs of public institutions (e.g. the reference systems of the library networks).

University Library Braunschweig ( specialized information service pharmacy) guarantees an archiving period of at least five years for electronic publications. Furthermore, University Library Braunschweig (Specialized Information Service Pharmacy) commits itself to long-term archiving of the documents. It cooperates with the TIB - Leibniz Information Center for Technology and Natural Sciences, among others.



Mr. Stefan Wulle


Phone: +49 (0)531 391 5003