Notes for authors
- Publishing for researchers
- Publishing and archiving research data
- Requirements and recommendations
- Procedure
- Contact
By publishing your research results in the pharmRxiv repository, you as an author, research institution or publisher support free access to pharmaceutical publications, which are thus permanently available on the web with optimal visibility.
As a scientist of a pharmaceutical sub-discipline (esp. pharmaceutical and medicinal chemistry, pharmaceutical biology, pharmaceutical technology, pharmacology, clinical pharmacy, history of pharmacy) you can publish your electronic publications (articles from journals and books, conference proceedings, research reports, etc.) free of charge and for an unlimited period of time on pharmRxiv, Open Access.
There are two ways to publish:
- Primary publication: is the release of a publication that has not previously appeared anywhere else (here also preprints).
- Secondary publication: is the publication of a publisher's publication that has already appeared. Many journal publishers allow further publication on an institutional repository under certain conditions (e.g. after a defined embargo period). With the help of the SHERPA/RoMEO-Liste list you can find out which conditions the individual journals impose. The Specialized Information Service Pharmacy will be happy to support you in checking your publication for a possible secondary publication.
The publications will be published in compliance with the applicable German copyright law, i.e. the copyright remains with you. You only transfer to the Braunschweig University Library (Specialized Information Service Pharmacy) the simple right of use, unlimited in time, to store the submitted publications on its servers, to duplicate and make them publicly accessible. Please note that you may need to obtain the consent of co-authors for publication. It is your responsibility to comply with the copyright and exploitation rights of third parties.
Your publication receives a persistent identifier (DOI, URN), will be long-term archived and can be linked to your ORCiD account. The metadata is indexed in common library catalogs and regularly harvested by search engines (e.g. German National Library, BASE, GoogleScholar, OpenAire). pharmRxiv is OpenAire3.0 compatible and thus fulfills the requirements for a Horizon2020-funded publication.
2. Publishing and archiving research data
As a scientist of a pharmaceutical subdiscipline you can publish and archive your research data on pharmRxiv. When you publish, your published dataset is assigned a persistent identifier (DOI, URN), archived (currently only bitstream preservation), and can be linked to your ORCiD account. Published datasets can be made freely accessible or restricted access.
3. Requirements and recommendations
- Affiliation: pharmRxiv is the scientific repository for pharmacy and accordingly it publishes relevant scientific publications, especially from the fields of pharmaceutical and medicinal chemistry, pharmaceutical biology, pharmaceutical technology, pharmacology, clinical pharmacy and history of pharmacy.
- Consent to the terms of contract: You must agree to our contract terms for publishing your documents in pharmRxiv. This is done by your signature on the application form (see point "3. Procedure", step 1).
- Consent to the terms of contract: You must agree to our contract terms for publishing your documents in pharmRxiv. This is done by your signature on the application form (see point "4. Procedure", step 1)
- Technical formats: You have the possibility to publish any type of document (text, graphic, audio or video sequences, research data, etc.). The documents must not be access restricted. The Digital Library supports all file formats, but recommends the use of open formats (e.g. PDF/A, TeX, XML) that are suitable for long-term archiving and can be displayed using freely accessible display programs. In addition, the original format of the document can also be archived.
- Accessibility: For your publication, follow the requirements for accessibility according to paragraph 3 (1) to (4) and paragraph 4 of the Barrier-Free Information Technology Ordinance (BITV 2.0), which were issued on the basis of Section 12d of the Disability Equality Act (BGG).
- Changes to the document: If changes to the document are necessary, the changed document is saved as a new version. Documents that have already been published will not be deleted or changed unless there are serious legal reasons.
- Research data: When publishing or archiving your research data, ensure a traceable folder structure and file naming. In addition, a README file with descriptive metadata should be included with your dataset.
Step 1:
Please fill in
- The application form "Applicationform_Pharmrxiv_Single" if you want to submit one publication
- The application form "Applicationform_Pharmrxiv_Multiple" if you want to submit several publications
For publication of research data, please contact us first at
On the form, you will assign a license for the rights of use. We recommend the use of the Creative Commons license CC-BY. You can find more information about the license selection here.
You accept the terms of the contract with your signature on the last page.
Please send the signed form by e-mail to
Step 2:
Please submit your publication(s) via web form, registration is required.
We formally check your submitted document(s) and publish or archive them on the publication server. You will receive a response by e-mail within one week.
We are happy to assist you with your first and second publications, if you have any questions please contact:
Mr. Stefan Wulle
Phone: +49 (0)531 391 5003